Building a Stronger Bond With MTC

The first Management Training Committee event which is usually known as MTC was happened again this year on Saturday, April 11th 2015. We chose Taman Mini Indonesia Indah as our destination to hold this event. Every staffs of BEM & LPMJ 2015 were gathered together in purpose of having a fun management training.
In the morning, Wildan took a step to lead the event as the host of MTC. He gave a greeting to welcome all the participants until Aldho came forward to read the holy Qur’an to start the event formally. Novi as the head committee also took a turn by giving a warm speech to burn the MTC spirits. In order to make the situation becomes more alive, each departments performed their chants and explained the meaning of their outfits and the meals that they brought that day. The atmosphere became even more refreshing with the first game called “Tau Ga Sih?” until two materials about organization were finally shared as the goal of this MTC program.
At the end of the event, the committee announced the winners for this MTC on each categories. “Terkece” category went to Adkesma department, “Tergokil” category was given for MIKAT department, while BPK department got “Terdisiplin” category. And finally Adkesma department stepped forward once again to take the title for “The Best Team” to end this event. By attending MTC, we hope the bond of BEM & LPMJ staffs could get even stronger as one family and the spirit can grow bigger and bigger each days. The happiness which was already created on the first MTC has proved even more that next MTCs are always worth to be waited for.

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