As a human being, we need to care one another because we are the same in front of our God. So on the June 22nd 2015, BEM ED held "BAKSOS" (Bakti Sosial). Our aim was children from KOPAJA (Komunitas Pecinta Anak Jalanan). This event started with an opening from 'Kak Winda' as the chief of KOPAJA and Anisa Mariandini as the chairman of "BAKSOS". Then, the next agenda was a motivation and games for all children from KOPAJA and the participants from ED with ust. (Lupan namanya). After tausiyah and games, the children were divided into several groups to do micro teaching at O building. After that, we did ashar pray and tausiyah together. As Tausiyah finished, the agenda continued with ice breaking until adzan time. After iftaar, the comittee gave a little donation to children from KOPAJA. Then the participants and comittee ate together at Masjid Alumni UNJ.
But, our agenda had not finished yet. We still had a special agenda which was REMISOL Ramadhan. This time, REMISOL was different from the last REMISOL. As you can see from the title, Remisol was held in this special month. The participants also had "Mabit" at Baitul Ilmi mosque. The event started with an opening and Tilawah. After that Dian Eka as a chief of REMISOL comitte gave a little speech. Next agenda was a materi also question & answer session with Ust. Agus Supriyatna. After that, the participants took a break until 3 am. The next agenda was qiyamul iail followed by sahur time. As sahur time had finished, the participants did Subuh pray together and were divided into several gruop to have 'Mentoring' until sunrise. At 06.00, the event had finished and the participants could continue their activities.
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